Thursday, July 7, 2011

Surprised, stunned, happy..Maybe??

Yes, I was very happy, but my happiness wasn't short of some confused nerves!!! "Tora are you ready for this?" was what my conscience asked as my smile faded from my face. That was on Tuesday June 21, life may have just changed forever was my next thought. As you can imagine as the day progressed, I proceeded along with jumpy nerves, tickles of fear, smiles, teary eyes, and a soul full of uncertainty....

Like most women, I immediately started watching what I consumed, the things I did, places I went and the way I thought...mommy mode was upon me instantly! We live in a world where many options are available to me and believe me I considered them ALL! Thinking nonstop...WHAT AM I GOING TO DO... Abortion? Never again! Adoption? Not a chance! Have this baby? Yes, Jesus, and I will do my BEST!!!

With that said, I dialed up my doctor and my first appointment was set! The rest of my life has just started :)))

My results were courtesy of first response!


Anonymous said...

Yah!!!! Excited!!!!

Kricel said...

I am so excitied for you <3