Monday, September 26, 2011

19 weeks!!!

I'm 19weeks and 2days! I do have a baby bump now which the next post will show. What else has been going on? I went maternity shopping, been to see the doctor a couple times and baby's heartbeat is strong each time THANK YOU GOD!!! I mean, really, I'm just enjoying the second trimester with no sickness, little weight gain, and I feel little FLUTTERS here and there *YAAAAY #FISTPUMP. You know they say it's back to the DRAMA in the 3rd trimester LOL!!!! Its back to the doctor next Wednesday for a checkup and ultrasound so hopefully we can start brainstorming about what to call this little person after finding out the sex, but no matter what, boy or girl, we PRAY FOR a HAPPY & HEALTHY LITTLE ONE!! It has been an easy pregnancy by medical numbers, I am in the last week of my 4th month, but considering the two weeks added from the last menstrual cycle, I'm REALLY about 17weeks in practical numbers...Yea, calculate that, Memorial Day Weekend 2011 has definitely been memorialized around these parts!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the new fall season...I can't wait 'til next fall to take pics of my little bundle in his/her first Halloween costume!!!! YES, I am sold!! becoming a mommy is a dream come true for me *xoxoxo* check me out at as well!!

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