Monday, December 19, 2011

Toooooo LONG!!

My last post was in October...WOW!  Hey, pregnancy will do that to ya!  Since then I have progressed to a now seven and a half months pregnant mommy to be!  Last month I had a 3D ultrasound done to show me the sex of the baby which we were desperate to find out and it's a GIRL!!!!!  YAAAAAY!!!! I hav always wanted a baby girl!  Not to mention I was excited because the daddy to be was hesitant to discuss names without knowing baby's sex...and now, well, he has a surplus of names and we STILL haven't locked in on a sure thing! SMH...MEN!

Anyway, as of now baby shower invitations have went out electronically and via postal mail for the shower date JANUARY 14TH *praying old man winter spares us any snow*

Anywho...above is a picture of my little lady sleeping on the placenta!  Awwwwww